Studi Kasus Analisis Kegagalan Material Piston Sepeda Motor Case Study of Motorcycle Piston Material Failure Analysis

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Munaji Munaji
Yoyok Winardi


This paper presents the failure anaylisis on the motorcycle’s piston.The analysis procedure consists of physical observation (metallography), mechanical testing (hardness testing, and chemical composition testing (spectrometry). Result physcal observation shows there are scratches and changes in color on the surface of the piston wall. Based on spectrometer test, piston is  made from Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy with AA336.0 series. Hardness vickers testing showed the distribution ofHVN  on the walls and heads of pistonare not decrease significantly. Hardness on the head of piston is 136.06 HVN, while on the wall of piston is 134.3 HVN. Based on the analysis, the failure is  caused by lubrication failure that causes piston over heat and burning.

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