Simulasi Numerik Aliran Melewati Nozzle Pada Ejector Converging – Diverging Dengan Variasi Diameter Exit Nozzle
Numerical Simulation of Flow Through the Nozzle In Ejector Converging – Diverging With Variation of Exit Nozzle Diameter
In the process of cooling or refrigeration, are required components where capable to flow the fluid to create a cycle of the cooling process. Among some of the vapor compression systems, the usage of ejector is the simplest system. Ejector has three main parts: primary nozzle, mixing chamber and diffuser. Various experiments of steam ejectors developed to increase the value of the COP. Entrainment ratio directly affects to the COP value generated by the system, where the geometric shapes and operating conditions in the steam ejector will affect to the value entrainment ratio. This research was carried out numerical simulations using CFD commercial software with k-epsilon to predict flow phenomena which passes through the ejector nozzle in the ejector converging-diverging which varying exit diameters 3.5 mm; 4mm; 5 mm; and 5.5 mm. Respectively the simulation results showed exit nozzle steam ejector that the smallest diameter of 3.5 mm give the optimum performance because it provide the highest speed of fluidity. While the state of vacuum in mixing chamber increase, it cause the secondary mass flow higher as well as the value of the entrainment ratio.
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