R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col gap-3"> <div class="min-h-[20px] flex flex-col items-start gap-4 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <p>Welcome to R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Journal, a premier platform fostering interdisciplinary scholarly communication in the realm of Mechanical Engineering. The R.E.M. Journal's primary aim is to serve as a facilitating conduit for scholars, researchers, and educators worldwide, propelling innovative research and advancing knowledge within the field. Our journal is an academic resource that values originality, profound insight, and scientific rigour, inviting both theoretical explorations and empirical studies.</p> <p>As a testament to the breadth of our scope, we embrace a wide spectrum of topics within Mechanical Engineering. This includes, but is not limited to, Energy Conversion, Renewable Energy, Manufacturing, Materials and Design Engineering, and Mechatronics. Our ambition is to cover every facet of Mechanical Engineering, reflecting the ever-evolving dynamism of this discipline and its increasing impact on the modern world.</p> <p>R.E.M. Journal also takes pride in the prompt dissemination of research findings, ensuring they are accessible to a global audience. Published articles offer valuable insights that can shape further academic discourse and influence real-world applications, resulting in a tangible societal impact.</p> <p>At R.E.M. Journal, we are committed to maintaining high academic standards and publishing ethics. Our rigorous peer-review process, upheld by a team of eminent editorial members, ensures the quality and integrity of every published article. We encourage submissions of original research articles, comprehensive review articles, and innovative case studies that can enrich our understanding of Mechanical Engineering and its associated fields.</p> <p>As an ISSN-registered platform (ISSN 2528-3723), the R.E.M. Journal is recognized globally as a credible and reliable source of Mechanical Engineering research. Our pursuit of excellence has shaped us into a leading international journal in the Mechanical Engineering field, and we continuously strive to elevate the quality of published research.</p> <p>To all authors considering submitting their work to the R.E.M. Journal, we assure you that your contributions will receive the respect and scholarly attention they deserve. Join us in pushing the boundaries of Mechanical Engineering knowledge and let's shape the future of this pivotal discipline together.</p> </div> </div> </div> en-US <h3 class="mycustom-background">Copyright Notice</h3> <p>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>&nbsp;that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> <p><img src="http://ojs.umsida.ac.id/public/site/images/tanzilmultazam/88x311.png" alt=""></p> rem@umsida.ac.id (Editor) editor@umsida.ac.id (Pusat Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah) Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Analysis and Modeling of Wheel-Based Floating Energy Generation Technology https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1690 <p><em>This research aims to analyze and model wheel-based floating energy generation technology. The current energy crisis requires us to look for sustainable solutions to meet energy needs. The Indonesian government has targeted renewable energy use of 23% by 2025, especially in remote areas. One solution to overcome this challenge is energy storage technology. Energy storage using floating technology is an innovative solution that is being developed. In this research, we analyze the design of a floating energy wheel with a capacity of 110 kW as an alternative source of electrical energy. Wheel energy is produced from a combination of buoyancy energy and energy originating from the weight of water which is produced by the difference in fluid density in the water and air environments. The research results show that this floating energy wheel can produce a torque of 7710,62 Nm and a power of 113,83 kW, showing great potential in renewable energy storage applications. Wheel-based floating energy generation technology has the potential to be an innovative solution in renewable energy storage. Further research needs to be carried out on a larger scale and field tests to validate the potential and efficiency of this technology in the real world</em></p> Yulikastomo, Dan Mugisidi, Fadhlurrahman Zaki, Oktarina Heriyani Copyright (c) 2024 Yulikastomo - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1690 Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Power Enhancement of Monocrystalline Solar Panel with Passive Cooling https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1688 <p><em>The need for energy every year both in the domestic and global increases. Indonesia's energy needs are predicted to increase by 5% each year. Indonesia has renewable energy potential from solar, hydropower, wind, and geothermal sources. The potential of new renewable energy amounted to 442 GW. Of the 442 GW, the greatest potential is owned by 207 GW of solar energy. The high potential of solar energy in Indonesia is because Indonesia is located in the tropics which experiences sunshine time of approximately 6-8 hours per day and the sun continues to shine throughout the year. However, the length of irradiation also has an impact on increasing the temperature of solar panels. The higher the temperature of the solar panel, the output power will decrease and the life of the solar panel is reduced. The use of passive cooling from reference has a lower efficiency increase than active cooling. However, its installation requires lower costs, minimal maintenance, and no additional power requirements. This research will use 20WP monocrystalline solar panels with three cooling variations, namely: 1) with the addition of a thin aluminum plate and Vortex generator 2) By giving a tub of water under the panel 3) the Addition of aluminum fin.&nbsp; The three variations are compared with solar panels without cooling.</em> <em>The results on the first day showed a decrease in temperature of 2.30C with aluminum fin and an increase in power of 6.97% when using a water container. On the second day, a temperature decrease of 2.90C and a power increase of 5.81% when using aluminum fin coolers were recorded.</em></p> Muhammad Trifiananto, Intan Hardiatama, Aris Zainul Muttaqin, Mochamad Edoward Ramadhan, Gaguk Jatisukamto, Muhammad Dimyati Nashrullah, Adib Al Wafi Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Trifiananto, Intan Hardiatama, Aris Zainul Muttaqin, Mochamad Edoward Ramadhan, Gaguk Jatisukamto, Muhammad Dimyati Nashrullah, Adib Al Wafi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1688 Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:57:45 +0000 Design and Simulation of Adjustable Shelves for E-Commerce Warehouses https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1689 <p><em>Dengan bertambahnya e-commerce maka bertambahnya juga kebutuhan warehouse sedangkan rate produktifitas warehouse selalu berubah yang mengkabitkan kebutuhan jenis rack. Olehkarena itu, diperlukannya jenis rack yang dapat diajutable sehingga penggunaan rack dapat diseuaikan dengan jenis rate produktifitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyajikan rak yang dapat disesuaikan untuk gudang e-commerce dengan merancang dan mensimulasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak. Makalah ini melibatkan evaluasi berbagai metode dan desain rak. Proses perancangan desain menggunakan perangkat lunak Autodesk Inventor 2023 dan simulasi analisis menggunakan metode elemen tak hingga yang menganalisis von mises stress untuk horizontal dan vertical frame, displacement nilai factor kemanan. Kami mendapatkan nilai untuk von misses stress untuk frame rack sebesar 9990,69 MPa, sedangkan untuk nilai displacement 119,229 mm, dan untuk nilai factor kemanan adalah 0,00275. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi desain adjustable rack tersebut akan memiliki performa yang baik karena bahan yang sesuai dan desain yang presisi</em></p> Hizba Muhammad Sadida, Pebi Yuda Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 Hizba Muhammad Sadida https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1689 Thu, 07 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Variations in Nozzle Diameter and Valve Opening on Pelton Turbine Torque and Power https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1692 <p>Turbin Mikrohidro adalah sebutan yang dipakai alat konversi energi air menjadi putaran poros yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk instalasi generator listrik.. Suatu desain mikrohidro membutuhkan dua hal, debit air serta ketinggian jatuh (head) berguna untuk menciptakan daya yang bisa digunakan. Pada riset ini memakai turbin air dengan jenis Pelton, diseleksi turbin itu sebab sesuai diaplikasikan pada head yang cukup tinggi. Saat sebelum diaplikasikan butuh terdapatnya pengetesan dengan prototipe agar mengenali seberapa besar jumlah putaran yang diperoleh. Tujuan dari riset itu digunakan untuk mengenali pengaruh variasi diameter nozzle dan tekanan air terhadap daya dan efesiensi turbin. Turbin yang diuji mempunyai nilai efisiensi sebesar 15,7%. Dan didapatkan bahwa semakin kecil diameter nosel maka&nbsp; tekanan air pada turbin akan semakin meningkat dan daya pada turbin akan semakin besar. Daya maksimum turbin&nbsp; dicapai pada 7,02 watt.</p> Arasy Fahruddin, Vicky Iswidiyanto, Iswanto Iswanto Copyright (c) 2024 Arasy Fahruddin, Vicky Iswidiyanto, Iswanto Iswanto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1692 Sun, 10 Mar 2024 01:38:29 +0000 Effect of Adding Load on Solar Powered Thermoelectric Cooling Systems https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1694 <p><em>Salah satu potensi energi terbarukan yang semakin populer penggunaanya adalah modul surya. Dalam upaya memanfaatkan energi surya dapat digunakan pada perangkat termoelektrik. Modul pendingin termoelektrik dimanfaatkan untuk kotak pendingin yang dapat menyimpan aneka makanan dan minuman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan temperatur terendah yang dicapai beban pendingin objek berupa air kemasan 600 ml dengan menggunakan modul TEC1-12706. Pengujian dilakukan pada kotak pendingin tanpa beban dan pakai beban selama tiga hari dimulai pukul 09.00 hingga pukul 14.00 WIB. Parameter yang diukur adalah intesitas cahaya, kecepatan angin, temperatur modul surya, temperatur lingkungan, temperatur dinding luar kotak, temperatur termoelektrik, temperatur ruang pendingin, temperatur air kemasan 600 ml, tegangan, dan arus. Hasil pengujian dicapai temperatur terendah pada hari ketiga dengan temperatur ruang pendingin pakai beban sebesar 20,1℃, 18,6℃ tanpa beban, dan temperatur akhir air sebesar 20,7℃. Koefisien kinerja sistem pendingin pakai beban pendinginan diperoleh sebesar 1,305 dan tanpa beban pendinginan sebesar 1,572.</em></p> Arif Fikry Ar Rasyid, Rifky Copyright (c) 2024 Arif Fikry Ar Rasyid https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1694 Thu, 04 Apr 2024 07:24:29 +0000 Analysis of Damage and Repairs to the Transmission Part of the Komatsu Type GD825-2 Grader Unit https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1698 <p>The Plant Rebuild Center, owned by PT. X, must raise quality to meet customer expectations and fulfill field needs. According to customer warranty claims in 2022, oil leaks in the transmission control valves of GD825-2 type units—11 in total—are the most common cause. This research's operational goal is to identify the source of the most damage to transmission components, particularly in Komatsu GD 825-2 units, so that corrective action may be taken and the effects can be monitored. At PT X's Plant Rebuild Center, corrective measures were implemented and standard operating procedures were created to serve as a guide for rebuilding Komatsu GD 825-2 unit transmission components<em>. </em>The analytical approach applies five why analyses. The findings show that oil leaks in the transmission control valve are the most common cause of damage. The engineering techniques used to achieve this improvement included duplicating the sleeve using the manufacturer's standard reference and altering the o-ring seat height during the semi-finishing stage before measuring and cutting during the finishing process. This resulted in the surfaces of the sleeve and transmission housing being identical. Work Instructions (INK) for installing the GD825-2 unit transmission control valve and a Checksheet for the GD825-2 type Grader unit transmission assembly have been developed as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)</p> Wilarso Wilarso, Bayu Idiyanto, Awang Surya, Hilman Sholih Copyright (c) 2024 Wilarso Wilarso, Bayu Idiyanto, Awang Surya, Hilman Sholih https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1698 Wed, 19 Jun 2024 13:43:34 +0000 Design and Optimization of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Combination of Darius Type and Savonius Type to Increase the Efficiency of Renewable Energy Source Power Generation https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1693 <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan optimasi kinerja turbin&nbsp; savonius dan darius dengan menggabungkan kedua sifat turbin yang menguntungkan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi optimum. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat purwarupa turbin angin sumbu vertical darius-savonius dengan ukuran tinggi 30 cm dan diameter 25 cm, airfoil NACA 0020. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mencatat putaran turbin dengan tachometer dan mengukur arus – tegangan dynamo untuk mendapatkan daya turbin.&nbsp; Kemudian dilakukan penggabungan turbin pada satu poros yang sama dan dilakukan pengujian kecepatan putar serta daya yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan desain turbin angin hybrid savonius-darrieus optimum adalah pada tinggi bilah savonius 12 cm, yaitu memiliki daya turbin sebesar 0,42 Watt, dengan putaran poros turbin 550,92 rpm dan rasio kecepatan ujung (tip speed ratio) sebesar 1,18, serta efisiensi turbin sebesar 2,6%. Turbin jenis ini mempunyai waktu self starting 4,75 detik apabila tertiup angin dengan kecepatan rata-rata 7,3 m/s dan untuk menuju ke putaran konstan memerlukan waktu 18,94 detik.</em></p> Witono Hardi, Amat Umron, Rudi Hartono, M. Yusril Syafar Copyright (c) 2024 witono hardi, Amat Umron, Rudi Hartono, M. Yusril Syafar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://rem.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rem/article/view/1693 Sun, 23 Jun 2024 06:53:36 +0000