R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal
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<p><em>Kebutuhan akan energi listrik membuat manusia mencari alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi listrik, salah satunya dengan merancang generator sebagai energi alternatif untuk daerah terpencil yang tidak dapat terjangkau jaringan dari PLN. Dari permasalahan di atas, peneliti mencoba menganalisis efisiensi pada generator inverter hemat energi listrik untuk daerah terpencil. Agar putaran pada generatator stabil dan tidak mengalami beban lebih digunakan flywheel, di mana untuk membantu flyhwheel ini ditambah motor DC yang berfungsi agar flywheel tidak mengalami penurunan putaran saat generator mengalami beban puncak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efisiensi generator inverter untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan energi listrik masyarakat daerah terpencil dengan harga terjangkau dan ramah lingkungan. Hasilnya efisiensi generator inverter adalah 92,41% dalam kondisi stabil dan dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti energi listrik untuk daerah terpencil yang belum terjangkau aliran listrik PLN.</em></p>Riza MuharniAggrivina DwiharzandisDycthia Septi Kesuma
Copyright (c) 2024 riza muharni riza muharni
2024-11-192024-11-1992637010.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1712Design and Strength Analysis of Ladder Models Frame with AISI 1015 1018 1020 Steel
<p><em>Sport Utility Vehicle Chassis Design. This design/research is about the design and analysis of Sport Utility Vehicles. A car's vehicle frame is the most important component of a car's transportation system. This chassis is designed to withstand the load borne by passengers and other loads. Because they are so heavy, the rigidity of the frame and the materials used to make it must be taken into account during the process of making components suitable for the load. Because the Ladder Frame chassis is known to be strong. The materials used are AISI 1015, AISI 1018 and AISI 1020 steel for validation of calculations. The results show that the stress value is 0.00002013 mm. Strain 0.000008446 mm. Placement 0.007189 mm. and the chassis safety factor is at a safe value of 0.00000004657 mm, with a load of 650 Kg. The results obtained were that the center of mass of the chassis was more rigid with AISI 108 Steel based on Solidworks software. Then the chassis is more resilient and strong and it can be concluded that this design is safe, feasible and meets the criteria for the materials used.</em></p>Irfan Sholeh WahyudiKosjokoNely Ana Mufarida
Copyright (c) 2024 Irfan Sholeh Wahyudi, Kosjoko, Nely Ana Mufarida
2024-11-202024-11-2092718010.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1703Evaluation of AUG-WID-R01 Spring Test Equipment
<p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Sepeda Motor Sesuai fungsinya sebagai alat transportasi ringan kendaraan bermotor harus memenuhi standar desain keselamatan dan keamanan bagi penggunanya, shock absorber merupakan komponen yang didesain untuk meredam getaran akibat guncangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) menghitung nilai koefisien pegas pada sepeda motor (2) menghitung simpanan hasil perhitungan dan pengujian. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Desain Eksperimen yaitu melakukan pengujian untuk mendapatkan data selanjutnya mengolahnya menggunakan teori getaran bebas, dan mengitung nilai k & simpangan menggunakan teori. Dari hasil penelitian dan analisis yang dilakukan dapat diperoleh karakteristik pengaruh getaran. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, nilai k pada pegas diperkirakan sebesar ± 18 KN/m dan simpangan maksimum ± 12 cm. (2) Berdasarkan hasil pengujian nilai k pada pegas dihasilkan ± 24,6 KN/m dan simpangan maksimum ± 4,0 cm</span></span></em></p>Adhita PrasetiaMartoni
Copyright (c) 2024 Adhita Prasetia, Martoni
2024-11-212024-11-2192818810.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1709The Effect of Motorcycle Wheels (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Reconditioning Process on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure
<p><em><span lang="IN">Wheels are an essential component of a vehicle. Material damage or failure on casting wheel-type wheels is primarily because these wheels receive a reasonably hard impact load due to uneven road conditions or potholes. This condition makes the wheels unable to function normally, and components must be replaced. Given the relatively high cost of replacing wheels, several options are offered to vehicle owners (consumers) to have their wheels reconditioned. This study aims to analyze the effect of the reconditioning process on the mechanical properties and microstructure of the casting wheel material. The sample material is taken from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) wheel casting wheel in the Disk section for impact testing, Rim for hardness, and microstructure tests. The results are that the reconditioning process affects the mechanical properties and microstructure of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) alloy wheel material. The decrease in hardness value was 68.86 HBW to 61.59 HBW from the conditions before and after reconditioning. The impact test results where the impact energy absorption is greater after reconditioning is 29.24 J, and the average impact value for wheel specimens after reconditioning is 0.2902 J/mm2. The impact energy value before reconditioning is 7.87 J, and the average impact value is 0.0973 J/mm2. The microstructure obtained is hypereutectic, and the reconditioning process has little effect on the dendritic structure.</span></em></p>Ahmad Kafrawi NasutionAlfindoSunaryo
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Kafrawi Nasution, Alfindo, Sunaryo
2024-11-222024-11-2292899410.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1714Effect of Co-firing Using Biomass Variation to Maintain Biomass Feedstock in Coal-Fired Power Plants
<p><em>Pembakaran bahan bakar batubara pada pembangkit listrik secara signifikan menyumbang emisi karbon dioksida (CO<sub>2</sub>), yang berperan dalam pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim. Metode co-firing digunakan di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) sebagai strategi untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada batubara sebagai sumber energi utama. Masih diperlukan identifikasi lebih lanjut mengenai potensi penerapan co-firing biomassa dalam skala yang lebih luas dan untuk jangka waktu yang lebih panjang.</em> <em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi berbagai jenis biomassa sebagai bahan bakar co-firing dari segi performance, emisi, dan biaya dengan cara uji laboratorium dan uji bakar langsung. Biomassa yang dipakai adalah sawdust, sekam padi, cocopeat, dan Bahan Bakar Jumputan Padat (BBJP). Hasil dari pengujian didapatkan bahwa seluruh biomassa yang diuji masih aman pada segi performance, serta menurunkan emisi gas buang, dan menghemat Biaya Pokok Produksi (BPP)<br><br></em></p> <p><em>Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) resulting from the burning of coal fuel in power plants are a major contributor to global warming and climate change. Co-firing is employed in Coal-Fired Power Plants (CFPP) as a precautionary measure to decrease reliance on coal as the predominant energy source. The possible deployment of biomass co-firing on a bigger scale and for the long term still requires more identification. Through laboratory testing and direct combustion tests, this project intends to assess the performance, emissions, and costs of several types of biomass as co-firing fuel. Seedust, rice husks, cocopeat, and Solid Refuse Fuel (SRF) are among the biomass materials used. All biomass kinds evaluated were found to be safe in terms of performance, reduce exhaust gas emissions, and lower Basic Production Costs (BPP), according to the test report.</em></p> <p> </p>Dimas Angga Fakhri MuzhoffarEnrico GultomErvan Ari Prasetyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Angga Fakhri Muzhoffar, Enrico Gultom, Ervan Ari Prasetyo
2024-11-232024-11-23929510210.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1727Efficiency of Curing Oven in Increasing Powder Maturity in Powder Coating Process in Aluminum Extrusion Plant
<p><em>Powder coating adalah proses pelapisan logam dengan menaburkan serbuk pelapisan di atas benda yang dipanaskan, untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dan ketahanan permukaan. Oven curing digunakan untuk pematangan powder dengan udara panas dari burner. Bahan yang diperlukan adalah serbuk powder coating, profil alumunium, dan LNG. Analisa efisiensi menggunakan perhitungan neraca panas, melibatkan data seperti temperatur udara masuk/keluar, temperatur dinding, laju udara masuk, dan luas oven curing. Nilai efisiensi oven curing pada proses powder coating dihitung dari panas yang bersumber dari burner (2771,746 W), panas yang diserap oven curing (3464,683 W), dan panas yang keluar/hilang (692,936559 W), menghasilkan efisiensi sebesar 75%.</em></p>Rendi Adi PratamaWiliandi SaputroArdika NurmawatiA. R. Yelvia SunartiErwan Adi Saputro
Copyright (c) 2024 Rendi Adi Pratama, Wiliandi Saputro, Ardika Nurmawati, A. R. Yelvia Sunarti, Erwan Adi Saputro
2024-11-282024-11-289210311010.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1702Performance Improvement of TEC Cooling System in Solar Powered Cooling Box Using NaCl-H2O Eutectic Solution PCM
<p><em>Energi matahari adalah sumber energi yang selalu tersedia, tidak menimbulkan polusi dan tidak merusak lingkungan. Penggunaan perangkat sistem pendingin saat ini masih menggunakan refrigeran. Kekurangan yang dimiliki refrigeran yaitu menggunkan bahan yang sifatnya menimbulkan efek buruk terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini memberikan solusi alternatif untuk permasalahan lingkungan yang disebabkan penggunan sistem pendingin refrigeran, yaitu sistem pendingin termoelektrik bertenaga surya dengan PCM larutan eutektik NaCl-H<sub>2</sub>O. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh larutan eutektik NaCl-H<sub>2</sub>O untuk meningkatkan kinerja sistem pendingin pada kotak pendingin. Sistem ini menggunakan dua modul TEC, heatsink, dan kipas untuk mengoptimalkan pembuangan panas dan pemerataan suhu pada kotak pendingin. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan PCM dengan 5% NaCl dalam sistem pendingin menghasilkan temperature ruang terendah sebesar 17,2℃, dan koefisien kinerja tertinggi sebesar 0,031. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi NaCl dalam larutan H<sub>2</sub>O meningkatkan nilai konduktivitas termal dan menurunkan titik beku, sehingga mempengaruhi temperatur minimum dan meningkatkan koefisien kinerja sistem pendingin</em></p>Acep SaputraRifkyAde Irza FahreziMuhammad Imam SobirinDimas Priyuko Tri Asmoro
Copyright (c) 2024 Acep Saputra
2024-11-292024-11-299211112010.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1710Analysis of Water Distribution in Building A in Widyatama University Environment
<p><em>The need for clean water increases every year, while the means to provide clean water require planning. The importance of water in the realm of education is comparable to that of household needs. Water on the 3rd and 4th floors of Building A often doesn't flow. The aim of this research is to identify the root cause of the insufficient water flow on the 3rd and 4th floors of Widyatama University Building A, and to devise a solution for the water flow distribution system. The research employs a variety of methods, including literature review, data collection, data analysis, results analysis, and interpretation. The conclusion is that the water drainage on the 3rd and 4th floors is 0.612 L/s and 0.510 L/s, which is below the standard (0.9–2 L/s). The drainage of water in the main pipe was uncertain based on its diameter. The solution to this problem is to install booster pumps on the 3rd and 4th floors. The next solution is to change the main pipe diameter to 1 1⁄4".</em></p>Nia Nuraeni SuryamanUdin KomarudinMartoniAdhita PrasetiaHeru SantosoA'rasy Fahruddin
Copyright (c) 2024 Nia Nuraeni Suryaman, Udin Komarudin, Martoni, Adhita Prasetia, Heru Santoso, A'rasy Fahruddin
2024-12-022024-12-029212113210.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1711A Briquette Characteristics of Cocoa Shell Charcoal and Rice Husk Charcoal Mixtures on Briquette Quality
<p><em>Biomass energy is produced by converting solid raw materials into a more useful compressed form known as briquettes. This study aims to examine the effect of varying compositions of charcoal briquettes using a mixture of cocoa shells and rice husks on the briquette characteristics. The experimental method employs a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments: P1 = 100% cocoa shells, P2 = 75% cocoa shells + 25% rice husks, P3 = 25% cocoa shells + 75% rice husks, and P4 = 100% rice husks. The study finds that the lowest moisture content is in P3 (8.01%), the lowest ash content is in P3 and P4 (4.1% and 3.8%, respectively), the highest calorific value is in P1 (3,658 cal/g), the longest ignition time is in P3 (50 minutes), and the best hardness is in P2 (785.95 N). Based on the results, the best treatment is P3, which achieves a moisture content of 8.01%, ash content of 4.1%, and the longest burning time of 50 minutes. </em></p>Yuliatin AuliaMuliatiningsihKaryanikMuanahAhmad Akromul Huda
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Akromul Huda Akromul, Yuliatin Aulia
2024-12-022024-12-029213314010.21070/r.e.m.v9i2.1729Analysis of the Strength Thorn Pandan Leaves Fiber Composite: Woven Vs Random Fibers
<p>This study focuses on assessing a composite material that uses pearly leaf reinforcement and a polyester resin matrix as a construction material for energy-efficient automobile bodies. The traction strength test and impact resistance test of thorn panda leaf fiber are conducted to evaluate the difference in fiber direction, namely induced and random. This discovery is anticipated to be advantageous for the development of energy-efficient automobile bodywork. The highest traction force recorded is 2199.63 MPa in the random fiber direction, whereas the lowest traction strength is 2077.43 MPa in the fiber direction. The pulling force increases when the direction of the fiber aligns with the pulling manner, resulting in more force. The impact's greatest absorbent energy strength is 0.623 j in the direction of the fiber, while the least absorbent energy strength is 0.595 j in the direction of the random fiber.</p>LaniFuazenEko JuliantoMuhammad IwanEko SarwonoGunarto
Copyright (c) 2024 Eko Eko
2024-12-122024-12-1292141150Prototype Energy Saving Car Chassis Design and Analysis Using 6061 Aluminum Material
<p><em>The chassis is an important component car which functions to support the load on the vehicle and has a strong construction. The chassis, as the main support for all vehicle componentsy. Increased fuel use and rising global crude oil prices have encouraged research into energy saving cars with special designs that can reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The design process with variations in rollbar shape and variations in cross sectional shape with 6061 aluminum material using Autodesk Inventor 2024 software. After the design process is complete, stress analysis test stage is carried out to obtain analysis data, namely von misses stress, strain, displacement, safety factor. The results of the chassis design using concept B with a pipe cross-sectional shape and rollbar fillet model are more recommended, because it has better von Mises stress value and a better safety factor, besides that the concept B chassis design is easier in the assembly process with prototype type energy efficient car body.</em></p>Eka Adji PangestuA'rasy FahruddinAli AkbarRachmat FirdausIswantoNia Nuraeni Suryaman
Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Adji Pangestu, A'rasy Fahruddin, Ali Akbar, Rachmat Firdaus